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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hallux Rigidus

Hallux Rigidus is the advanced stage of Hallus Limitus, when motion of the big doe is greatly diminished. Custom fitted orthotics help stabilize the foot and arch, relieving pressure from the big toe. Severe cases should be consulted by a doctor. If you suffer from Hallux Rigidus, are looking for causes and/or treatment of Hallux Rigidus, or just have general information about the topic you would like to share, please participate in this post.

1 comment:

  1. I have this condition. I went to the poditrist
    first thinking it was a bunion. But after X-rays were taken he explained the condition. (never did give me the name of it until today when I had to make an app with the surgeon. We tried 4 cortisone shots 1st. They were no help. This is one of the worst pains I ever had in my life, next to having a cyst on my spine. I can't wear small heals even. The doc recommend rocker bottom sole, yeah try to find them. Well I will be having the surgery for this condtion soon, my son is getting married in June and even if I have to wear ballet slippers. I will dance at his wedding. After that I will be begging the doc to operate. Yes its that bad.
