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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hallux Limitus

Hallux Limitus is the limited motion of the toe due to loss of cartilage, resulting in stiffening of the joint at the base of the big toe. Left untreated, this condition may lead to Hallux Rigidus. If you suffer from Hallux Limitus, are looking for causes and/or treatment of Hallux Limitus, or just have general information about the topic you would like to share, please participate in this post.


  1. I hae hallux limitus in my left big toe joint. It is a result of years of running. There is some bone spurring but I can still walk and run. I went and got one orthotic which caused my hamstrings to scream in pain as a result of too much arch support. suggestions?

  2. There can be several reasons why your hamstrings are suffering. Too much arch support can distribute your weight unproportionately, adding undue pressure to different areas of your feet, legs, hips and lower back. You could also receive the same bad results from improperly balanced orthotics that do not correctly align your feet. We're the orthotics you purchased custom fitted?

    Typically, we dispense pairs of orthotics that work in conjunction with each other. Dispensing single orthotics are only done in rare and extreme cases, which does not appear to be your situation.

  3. I bought a pair of orthotics. they are leather. The arch support feels ok on the foot but just strains the heck out of the hammys

  4. I was just diagnosed with hallux limitus..pain and swelling finally made me go to the md. I am getting a custom set of orthotics to try and slow the process. I wondered if anyone has done surgery or cortisone shots. Has anyone had any success with orthotics.

  5. Yes, I have had great luck with orthotics...getting into a good podiatrist who can work with them and make adjustments in the office is recommended, as opposed to a place where they have to send them back to an outside lab for any adjustments. Good luck!

  6. Oh, this is such an additional information. Thanks for posting.
